Francesco Ardini – Circe
“Like Circe in her palace, Francesco Ardini (Padua, 1986) does magic inside the project room of Jerome Zodo’s gallery.
The Venetian artist does not transform the visitors into animals but puts them in front of a slice of reality made of ceramic compositions.
As in third millennium still lifes, the dishes and fruits are flanked by iPhones and tablets, but the whiteness of their shape is overpowered by an unstoppable blue proliferation.
A virus that infects everything around it through a process that has its own physical dimension (Megaron) but also exists in the inconsistency of augmented reality.
Just frame with a tablet the decorations, which at first glance would seem a tribute to the tradition of ceramics, to see the dishes transform, becoming mysterious objects that contain inside themselves the materiality of the past and the immateriality of the future (Incanto, Convivio, Offerta). Just like in a spell worthy of the sorceress of Greek mythology.”
Marzia Maria Minetti