Applications development


Smartphones and tablets can offer an excellent service in spreading culture.
The development of an audio guide mobile app, downloadable by visitors, reduces the hardware management costs of traditional audio guides.
The use of a smart device offers several possibilities that a traditional audio guide cannot offer:

  • A high-resolution screen that conveys written further information, photographs, diagrams, timelines, and/or drawings.
  • A camera for augmented reality: particularly (but not only) efficient in archaeological content. It gives the possibility to add elements to the image shown by the camera as well as captions or animations to a picture, to complete a relic, to rebuild an archaeological site, and/or to animate an illustrated children’s album.
  • The GPS can connect, localize, and associate audio content to the area, giving the possibility to create geolocated audio guides containing further pieces of visual information and augmented reality.
  • The use of BLE to activate the detection of Beacons, objects placed inside the museum that make the identification of the different rooms possible. Consequently, it is possible to make localized audio guides that detect the position of the visitor and propose content accordingly.
  • The adjustment to the visitor’s language. It is possible to detect the language from the visitor’s smartphone and use it for the audio guide. It is also possible to synchronize the audio narrations of multimedia installations inside the room with the detected language.
  • The integration of virtual reality headsets for fully immersive locations, such as reconstructions of archaeological areas or environments inspired by works of art.

We follow the client starting from their needs to define the app in every detail. Every app is designed ad hoc for the client with exactly the requested features.
In case of apps published on IOS/Android markets, the app carries the name and keywords requested by the client and is their property.
In case of apps for tablets or smartphones rented at the museum, we also manage related services like charging and updating systems, designing, and installing pieces of software that block the features unavailable for the visitor.


The development of mobile apps takes place for both the main platforms: IOS and Android. During the development phase the customer is involved to conduct test on their devices. The apps can be compatible with both smartphones and tablets. If the features don’t require special hardware characteristics, they can also be compatible with most devices on the market.


Publishing IOS and Android apps is a part we take care of together with the client. The market page is a showcase and must contain the right images and correct keywords to be easily found during searches. The app is also a marketing tool for the museum; therefore, it must contain links to the museum or to the exhibition, both on the app page of the store and inside the app itself to facilitate accessibility by visitors.



Bianca’s composition system is a Digital Audio Workstation with a natural and simplified interface.



Games and augmented reality, to transform books in an interactive environment for children.


History on Lake Garda, an augmented reality app and interactive games.



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